Following Tuesday’s crowd crush at a Hindu religious event in India that left 121 people dead the Indian police said on Thursday that they had arrested six people in connection with the incident.
A police report said that some 250,000 people gathered to listen to preacher Suraj Pal Singh, also known as ‘Bhole Baba’, while the organizers of the event only had permission for a maximum of 80,000 people.
Four men and two women were arrested for the deadly crush in India’s northern state of Uttar Pradesh, all of whom were aides of the religious leader.
Preacher Baba stated on Wednesday that the stampede was caused by “anti-social elements” with no further explanation given.
Officials said that by Thursday, the dead, which includes 112 women and seven children, have all been identified and their bodies given back to their families.
Source : Arirang TV,
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